The property management industry is an emerging industry and has been showing exceptional growth, especially with new rentals in the South African market.
The growth is due to the increasing foreclosures and stiffening mortgages in the buyer markets leaving the rental market to fill a growing gap.
Property management companies provide their clients with a wide variety of services that will save them time and unnecessary costs and give them access to experts in the field that will give them a good peace of mind.
The property management industry is responsible for many duties including collecting of levies or fees monthly (usually via debit order), tenancy contracting, proper interviewing or analysis of prospective tenant’s credit record, criminal history, payment history, responsibility for repairs and maintenance, record-keeping, compiling of budgets and conducting the annual general meetings.
Direct Debit provides property management companies with services that will lighten the load by automating the debtors process via our debit order systems and keeping out unwanted tenants.
Our debit order collection facilities will make collection of levies and fees monthly easy. This effectively saves property management companies both time and money.
We provide credit checking services, deed searches, property valuation and criminal checking services that will help with proper analysis of prospective tenants.
Direct Debit also developed an electronic debit order mandate solution for a more convenient way for your customers to authorise levies. Customers can now authorise transactions online via any web-enabled device. We provide the ability for customers to sign in full, using their hand, a stylus or mouse directly on their device.